
爱伦·坡小说中的“眼睛” 被引量:6

摘要 爱伦·坡小说中存在着诸多易为忽略的"眼睛"元素,它们不仅是故事层面上的情节素材,也可映射作品在话语层面上的叙述策略,甚或在元语言层面上指导读者(批评者)用坡的眼睛去审视其故事世界。本文拟在兼顾爱伦·坡小说谱系的基础上,着重聚焦于《眼镜》、《斯芬克斯》、《莫格街凶杀案》以及《玛丽·罗热疑案》等几部作品中的"眼睛"命题,分析其与爱伦·坡小说美学之间的内在关联,并特别指出,坡在作品里所倡导的"侧目而视论"和"视网膜外围聚焦法"尽管在其显性层面上表征为视觉生理学常识,但在其深层意义上却堪称爱伦·坡小说创作的文学认知理据。
作者 于雷
出处 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期52-64,共13页 Foreign Literature Review
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  • 1詹姆斯·哈里森所编.《埃德加·爱伦·坡全集》.
  • 2See James A. Harrison, ed. , TheComplete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vols. II-VI, New York: AMS Press Inc. , 1965, p.v.
  • 3See Levine Stuart & Susan, eds. , The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe, Indianapolis : The Bobbs-Merill Company, Inc., 1976, p. 348.
  • 4See Burton R. Pollin, "Notes and Queries : ' The Spectacles' of Poe--Sources and Significance", in American Literature, 37 (1965), p. 189.
  • 5See Arthur H. Quinn, Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography, New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1942, p. 400.
  • 6See Robert Schol- es, et al. ,The Nature of Narrative, New Yoi'k: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 92.
  • 7Robert 1. Hough, ed. , Literary Criticism of Edgar Allan Poe, Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1965, p. 5.
  • 8See Levine Stuart & Susan, eds. , The Short Fiction oie Edgar Allan Poe, p. 449.
  • 9See James A. Harri d., The Complete Works of Edgar Al- lan Poe, vol. XIII, p. 149.
  • 10See Jeffrey Meyers, Edgar Al- lan Poe: His Life and Legacy, New York: Charles Sctibner's Sons, 1992, p. 314.


  • 1[2]J. Hillis Miller, Fiction and Repetition (Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1981 ), p. 1, p.3.
  • 2[4,5,6,8]David S. Reynolds, Beneath the American Renaissance: The Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville(Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1988) ,pp. 172- 173 ,p. 242.
  • 3[11,12,13,14,15,18,19]Edgar Allan Poe,Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (New York: Doubleday &Company,Inc. , 1966), p. 323, p. 613, p. 618, p. 619, p.688,p. 728,p. 734,p. 735.
  • 4The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Nina Baym ed. (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc,. 1994), p.1531.
  • 5[20]Daniel Hoffman,Poe Poe Poe(New York:Doubleday &Company,Inc,. 1972),p. 266,p. 274.
  • 6[17]<弗洛伊德后期著作选>,林尘、张唤民、陈伟奇译,上海译文出版社1986年版,41页.
  • 7Sigmund Freud, The Standard Edition of The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,Vol. ⅩⅩⅡ (New York:The Hogarth Press) ,p. 254.
  • 8The American Tradition in Literature, Sixth Edition,George Perkins ed. (New York:Random House, 1985),p. 527.
  • 9Leslie A. Fiedler, Love and Death in the American Novel (New York:Dell Publishing Co. ,Inc. ,1960),p. 401.
  • 10Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Death of Edgar Allan Poe[A].New York:Routledge,1849.294-302.



  • 1本雅明.《发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人》,生活·读书·新知三联书店1992年版,第53页.
  • 2维克多·特纳.《象征之林--恩登布人仪式散论》,商务印书馆2006年版,第6页.
  • 3Buranelli, Vincent. EdgarAllan Poe. New York: Twayne Publishers Inc., 1961.
  • 4Frank, Frederick, and Anthony Magistrale. The Poe Encyclopedia. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997.
  • 5Goddu, Teresa A. Gothic America: Narrative, History, andNation. New York: Columbia LIP, 1997.
  • 6Hough, Robert L., ed. Literary Criticism of EdgarAllan Poe. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1965.
  • 7Kennedy, J. Gerald, and Liliane Weissberg, eds. Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race. New York: Oxford UP, 2001.
  • 8Poe, Edgar Allan. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. James A. Harrison. New York: AMS Press Inc., 1965.
  • 9Quinn, A. H. Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1942.
  • 10Rowe, John Carlos. "Edgar Allan Poe's Imperial Fantasy and the American Frontier." Romancing the Shadow." Poe andRace. Ed. J. Gerald Kennedy and Liliane Weissberg. New York: Oxford UP, 2001.75-105.









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