
中国海外经济利益保护战略刍论 被引量:23

China’s Overseas Economic Interests Protection: A Strategic Analysis
摘要 随着中国对外投资规模不断上升以及企业国际拓展的加速,中国海外经济利益保护日益重要,全球政治经济环境变化也给中国海外经济利益带来了新的挑战。根据以往研究以及各国实践,海外经济利益面临着政治、经济、政策、社会、自然灾害、运营等六类风险。在这六类风险中,尤其以东道国政治动荡、东道国的安全审查、东道国工会活动、东道国金融不稳定与债务违约、中国企业不熟悉社会责任等对中国海外经济利益威胁最大。为了应对这些风险,中国政府已经采取了一些措施,但总体上中国保护海外经济利益仍然处于起步阶段,面临着诸多挑战,这在中国应对利比亚危机中表现无遗。中国迫切需要形成海外经济利益保护战略,要明确中国海外经济利益保护的对象并对外宣示,确定中国海外经济利益保护的战略目标和重点,丰富中国海外经济利益保护的手段。在中国海外经济利益保护战略之下,要健全海外经济利益保护的机制与机构,加强相关立法和政策调整,并培育大型跨国公司,形成海外经济利益保护的三大支持体系。 Overseas economic interest protection has become more and more important as China’s overseas investment grows and Chinese enterprises are internationalized. The global political and economic environment also proposed new challenges for China’s overseas economic interests protection. Based on previous studies and international experiences, the main risks that overseas economic interests face include political risk, economic risk, policy risk, social risk, natural disaster, and operational risk. For China, the main challenges are political stability, national security, labor union, financial stability, sovereign debt default, and corporate social responsibility. The Chinese government is still at the beginning stage of overseas economic interests protection. The most needed for overseas economic interests protection is specified strategy, which should identify the overseas economic interests, specify strategic target and areas, and put forward more concrete policy. Under this strategy, Chinese government needs to improve overseas interests protection mechanism, adjust relevant legislations and policies, and develop multinationals.
作者 李众敏
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期92-106,159,共15页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 海外经济利益保护 战略 支持体系 overseas economic interests protection, strategy, policy adjustment
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