
连云港市公众急救知识普及现状调查 被引量:4

Investigation on public awareness of first aid knowledge in LianYunGang City
摘要 目的了解连云港市市民急救知识普及状况,探索向公众普及急救知识的科学方法。方法用自行设计的连云港市市民急救知识掌握现况调查问卷,通过分层随机抽样的方法,对培训人员进行12000份的问卷调查,了解市民急救知识现状与需求,探讨其影响因素。结果调查人群中,男女比例1.77:1。年龄:20岁以下、21~30岁、31~40岁、41~50岁、51岁以上所占比例分别为15.2%、50.9%、16.8%、14.2%、2.9%。文化程度:中学以下、大专、本科、硕士及以上构成比为44.85%、28.18%、22.28%、4.69%。职业:干部、工人、农民、军人、学生、企业主、社区居民构成比为7.4%、12.7%、17.4%、2.9%、36.75%、11.75%、11.1%。公众100%的愿意学习急救知识,其中38.4%的人以往接受过类似培训,只有68.6%的人在遇到危难想到打120电话,27%的人能在救护车到达之前动手救助。结论急救知识普及是社会、基础、系统和长期工程。普及急救知识,还要加强公众自救互救的理念和意识。 Objective To understand public awareness of first aid knowledge city'wide, and explore the effective methods on how to popularize the concept of first-aid in public. Methods A survey designed by the center was given to the city residents. Reviewing a total of 12,000 answers to the questionnaires, a clear picture was obtained on people' s awareness of first aid, demand, and exploring the factors which influenced the answers. Results In people who were surveyed, male to female ratio is 1.77 to 1; age ratio: 20 years old or younger 15.2%, 21 to 30 years old 50.9%, 31 to 40 years old 16.8%, 4l to 50 years old 14.2%, 51 years old and above 2.9%. Ratio of education level: middle school 44.85%, junior college 28.18%, undergraduate 22.28%, master and above 4.69%. Ratio of occupation: civil servant 7.4%, worker 12.7%, farmer 17.4%, soldier 2.9%, student- 36.75%, entrepreneur 11.75%, community resident 11.1%. All the people who were surveyed expressed their desire to learn first aid techniques of which 38.4% had first aid training, only 68.6% was aware of calling 120 at emergency, and 27% was capable to conduct some hasic on-site resuce techniques before ambulance arrived. Conehtsion Popularizing first aid in communities is considered a long-term project which requires mutual efforts from every aspect of the society. Besides the technique, concept of sel/mutual relief is also strongly recommended.
出处 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2012年第8期726-727,747,共3页 China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
关键词 公众 急救知识 普及 调查 Public First-aid technique Popularize Investigation
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