通过对Oracle常见数据迁移方法的利弊分析,给出利用ORA_ROWSCN行级跟踪模式的Oralce 10g数据迁移解决方案,该方案既使数据迁移省时省力,又能保证数据库的完整性和一致性,为企业做Oracle历史数据迁移提供完美方案。
Based on the analysis of the pros and cons of Oracle common data migration methods, puts for- ward a new data migration strategy of Oralce 10g which is used the ORA_ROWSCN row-level dependency tracking mode. The solution even is time-saving and labor-saving, and can guaran- tee the database integrity and consistency, and it provides a perfect solution to do Oracle his- torical data migration for enterprises.
Modern Computer