目的了解中小学生结核杆菌感染、患病、相关防治知识知晓及健康行为情况,为在学校开展结核病的筛查提供理论依据。方法 2010年对参与调查的中小学生开展结核菌素试验(The purified protein derivative oftuberculin,PPD)及问卷调查,对所有结核菌素试验阳性学生,有PPD试验禁忌症的学生及PPD阴性但有肺结核可疑症状的学生开展X光胸片检查,有可疑病灶者开展痰涂片检查;对PPD强阳性学生与非强阳性学生的结核病防治知识及其健康行为进行比较分析,寻找相关因素。结果接受PPD试验4 113人,阳性率6.64%(273人),强阳性率0.56%(23人);肺结核检出率0.05%(2人,均为PPD强阳性)。接受问卷调查2 909人,经过χ2及logistic逐步回归统计分析,在学校宿舍居住和与肺结核患者的接触是PPD试验结果强阳性的危险因素。结核病防治知识全部知晓率为24.96%。结论通过PPD试验的初筛,再进行X光胸片及痰涂片检查是发现结核病行之有效的方法,同时应加强对学生的健康教育,并注意好教室和宿舍的通风换气。
objective To understand prevalence of tuberculosis(TB),awareness of knowledge about TB control and their health behavior among students,provide the basis for making school TB control measures.Methods In 2010,The purified protein derivative of tuberculin(PPD) test was conducted firstly,and the students with positive results and have were given chest X-ray inspection.The students who had the TB-like symptoms were given sputum smear examination.Comparison between the students with strong positive results and non-strong positive results,analysis on their influence factors.Results Totally,3 193 students were receipted the PPD test.The positive rate was 6.64%(273),the strong positive rate was 0.56%(23).The detection rata of active TB was 0.05%(2,All PPD test strong positive).2 909 students were receipted questionnaire survey.The χ2 and logistic regression analysis on the influence factors shows that:Staying in the dormitory and History of exposure are the risk factor.The rate of awareness to all main information was 24.96%.Conclusions The screening method is effective,and we should be focus on the health education,right method contact with the students those active TB and environmental improvement.
China Tropical Medicine