Type, fineness and quantity replacing cement of micropowders have significant effect on property of concrete water demand. As the research result shows, when slag replacs cement at a ratio of no more than 50%, the more slag is admixed and the higher the slag fineness is, the smther the concrete water demand will be. This phenomenon becomes more ohvious at a relatively small water - paste ratio. As for effect of fly ash on concrete water demand, nodular fly ash less than 45(m in size will result in a lower concrete water demand; those 25(m classified fly ash will make the concrete water demand decrease with the fly ash increasing until the ratio of fly ash reaches 30%, and if the ratio exceeds 30%,the specific water demand will increase; silicon powder less than 10% in replacement quantity has little impact on the concrete water demand, but when the ratio exceeds 1O% , the water demand will increase to a ratio of 134%, in stead of decreasing.
Cement Engineering