
中医药将在21世纪更广泛地走向世界 被引量:3

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the World of 21st Century
摘要 作者较详细论述了由于中医药在对外合作与交流中采用多种形式的对外医疗服务,增强了世界对中医药的了解;中医药对外学术交流和科技合作在一定程度上也促进了中医药整体水平的提高;中医药对外教育迅速发展,仅1987-1996年,就为各国培养了以专科生到博士生的各种层次的中医药人才14700余名,这些人才已经并将继续对中医药走向世界和在当地合法化产生特殊影响;中药对外贸易创汇额达6亿美元左右,产生了较大经济效益;尤其是,今天已不限于民间交流合作,中国已与美、日、英、法、意、韩等40多个国家和地区开展了政府间的中医药交流与合作,有的国家已建立中医药管理机构。作者最后提出,国家中医药管理局今后将医、药并重地加强对外合作,特别注意以医带药地走向世界,并依靠科教推进中医药与世界双向接轨,争取我国的中医药标准体系为国际所认可。 This paper gives a detailed account on the following points: as a result of adopting various forms of traditional Chinese medical service in the exchange and cooperation with foreign countries, there is a better and deeper understanding of TCM in the world; the academic exchange and scientific-technical cooperaion have to a certain extent helped promote the level of TCM as a whole; the education of TCM provided to foreign students has been developing rapidly: in the period 1987 - 1996 Chinese medical and pharmaceutical universities, colleges and schools turned out 14700 odd foreign students (from professions trainees to doctors of medicine), who are and will continue making special impacts on the international recognition as well as the legitimation of TCM in their respective countries; the export of Chinese pharmaceutical products has brought about an income of up to 600 million US dollars; the exchange and cooperation in TCM are presently being performed not only With nongovernment organizations, but also with government authorities of more than 40 countries and regions including USA, Japan, UK, France, L taly, Korea, etc. and in a number of countries administrations have been set up for management of TCM. It is also pointed out in the paper that China National Administration of TCM will make greater efforts to strengthen the cooperation with foreign countries in traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, pay special attention to the global recognition of TCM as well as the integration of TCM with western medicine on the basis of applying modern science and technology, and take all the necessary measures to gain international approval of TCM standardization system.
作者 沈志祥
出处 《世界科学技术》 2000年第2期1-4,54,共4页
关键词 中医 中药 国际合作 国际交流 TCM traditional Chinese pharmacy international cooperation international exchange
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