
差序格局下绩效评价公平与员工绩效关系研究 被引量:32

Relationship between Perceived Fairness of Performance Appraisal and Employees′ Performance under Difference Matrices
摘要 运用参照认知理论,探讨差序格局下员工绩效评价公平感知对工作绩效的特殊作用机理。以本土企业39个工作组274名员工为研究对象,结合个体感知差异和组织差序氛围两个层面的影响因素,运用线性阶层模型检验二者跨层次交互作用对员工绩效的影响,同时对组织为削弱偏私主义而强化绩效评价公平的努力效果进行检验。研究结果表明,与西方经典理论不同的是,绩效评价公平感知正向影响任务绩效仅在低差序氛围下才显著,因而淡化差序氛围的影响、降低主管在绩效评价中的主导权有助于提升公平感知对任务绩效的预测力;正规化与程序公平、分配公平的交互作用对任务绩效有负向影响,揭示出绩效评价的本土实践存在一个公平悖论,即不实行刚性化评价难以消除黑箱操作,而实行刚性化评价又容易落入买椟还珠陷阱;正规化与互动公平的交互作用对任务绩效有正向影响,说明注重情理交融、增强规则的张力有助于提高绩效评价的有效性。 This study utilizes referent cognitions theory to probe inln the impact of perceived fairness of performance appraisal on job performance under difference matric, es. Considerting the differences in personal perception and difference matrices, using multiple data from 39 work groups comprising 274 employees and applying the hierarchical linear model, we examine the crosslevel interactions bclween individuals' perceived fairness of performance appraisal and difference matrices on jnb performance and test the effort of strengthening fairness of performance appraisal in order to reduce favoritism. The result shows that perception of performance appraisal fairness is positively related to task performance only under the atmosphere of low different matrices, which is different from the classic western theories. Thus, reducing the impact of different matrices and lessening director's dominant rights are two ways to improve the predictive power of perceived fairness on task performance. The interactive effect on job performanee between formatization and prncedural fairness perception, as well as distributive fairness perception, is negative, which shows a fairness paradox in practices which means that if we don't use rigidity appraisal system, it is difficult to eliminate the black box operation; otherwise it would be easy to fall into the trap of on the folly tor rewarding A, while hoping for B. However, the interactive effects on job performance between formalization anti interaction fairness perception is positive, which indicates that integrating emotional and contextual awareness with ratiunal analysis, and enhancing the tension of rules will improve the ef- fectiveness of performance appraisal.
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期56-68,共13页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(70902018) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(10YJC630178)~~
关键词 绩效评价公平感知 差序格局 正规化 工作绩效 perceived fairness of performance appraisal difference matrices formalization job performance
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