
基于Matlab的导弹营基本任务维修性仿真 被引量:2

Simulation on Basic Mission Maintainability of Missile-Battalion Based on Matlab
摘要 任务维修性是在执行具体作战任务时所呈现出的维修性,是影响作战效能的基本因素之一。在实际作战或训练中,往往需要衡量装备作战单元作为一个整体的维修性,也即任务维修性。鉴于此,以某导弹营为研究对象,首先对其所遂行的作战任务以及任务维修性参数进行分析。在此基础上,分析导弹营任务维修性的仿真方法,给出其仿真过程,并在Matlab环境下建立其仿真模型,最终实现对任务维修性参数的仿真计算。最后,通过算例,验证了模型的有效性和实用性。 Mission maintainability is the maintainability when the equipment combat unit performing a certain mission, which is the basic factors that influence the equipment combat units' operational effectiveness. Based on the analysis of missile battalion' s combat mission and maintainability parameter, the simulating method is analyzed, the simulating process is presented, and the simulation model of mission maintainability is constructed, which can realize the maintainability parameters' simulating. Finally, an example is probed to prove that the simulation model has relatively practicability.
出处 《战术导弹技术》 2012年第4期48-52,共5页 Tactical Missile Technology
关键词 任务维修性 恢复功能的任务时间 仿真模型 mission maintainability mission-time-to-restore-function simulation model
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