
政府在转化医学实践中的角色思考 被引量:1

Government role in the practice of translational medicine
摘要 转化医学已成为了当前医药卫生学界关注的焦点。在推动转化医学发展的进程中,政府应当以规划者、投资方、协调者、监督者、引导者等多个角色,推进转化医学研究,并承担相应任务。 Translational medicine has become the current focus in the field of medicine and health. To promote the development of translational medicine, the government should play multiple roles as planner, investor, coordinator, and supervisor, and to take its due responsibilities.
出处 《中华医学科研管理杂志》 2012年第3期149-151,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management
基金 上海市卫生局局级科研项目(2010204)
关键词 转化医学 政府 角色 Translational Medicine Government role
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