
基于模拟机实验的全自动驾驶人因可靠性分析 被引量:2

Human reliability analysis in Fully Automatic Operation based on simulator experiment
摘要 介绍地铁全自动驾驶系统中人因可靠性分析的应用,选取适于全自动驾驶(FAO)系统人因可靠性分析的方法,应用THERP+HCR方法分析人因失误概率。针对人误数据来源不足的问题,应用模拟机实验的方法,通过建立人误分析系统模拟运营场景中人员的行为,获取事故场景中人误数据。分析全自动驾驶人误分析系统的设计方案并详细描述各组成模块功能需求,结合典型的英国地铁事故实例,分析事故中的人误率。针对人的失误,提出改进措施,降低事故的人误率,提高控制中心人员的可靠性。 This paper described the application of human reliability armlysis(HRA) in fully automatic operation (FAO) of Urban Transit, and introduced the theory and method of HRA suitable for FAO to use THERP+HCR model to assess the human error probability(HEP) .To solve the problem of lack of data, the HRA System was set for FAO to get more data in the accident by experimental method of simulator. This paper analyzed the design and functions of HRA System for FAO, combined with the accident in British subway, analyzed the HEP of the crew. Focused on the unacceptable HEP, practical measure was given to reduce the HEP and improve human reliability in Operation Control Centre(OCC).
作者 陈磊 穆建成
出处 《铁路计算机应用》 2012年第6期23-27,共5页 Railway Computer Application
基金 北京市教委基金资助项目(2011AA110502)
关键词 人因可靠性分析 全自动驾驶系统 人误概率 human reliability analysis(HRA) fully automatic operation(FAO) human error probability(HEP)
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