Objective To set up a new method to assay serum IgG of pregnant women with microcoiumnGel test. Methods Microcolumn test was used to determinate the blood group antibody IgG. Results: 106 patients whose serum anti -A (B) IgG liter > 64 were detected in 299 pregnant women with '0' blood group, respectively. In 55 patients (IgG liter > 64) which were assayed more than twice and treated with Chinese traditional herbs, we found the anti - A (B) IgG tiler of 41 palients had decreased to the levels below 64. Conclusion With the delermination of IgG anlibody using ihe mi-crocolumn Gel test in pregnanl women serum, we found lhat Chinese Iraditional herbs treatmenl have significant effects on preventing exacerbation of hemolytic disease of newborn (HDN) .
Bulletin of Medical Research