
长效避孕针醋酸甲孕酮的临床续用情况分析 被引量:4

The Clinical Experience of Long-acting Injectable Contraception with Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
摘要 目的 :对 15 4例以醋酸甲孕酮 15 0 mg避孕的续用情况进行了临床分析。结果 :该药的避孕效果为 10 0 % ,但不规则出血发生率为 7.8% ;点滴出血发生率高达 5 7.2 % ;闭经发生率高达 30 .5 %。因这些原因停止使用的占 95 .5 %。6 4.9%的妇女在第一次注射 DMPA后因出现出血问题 ,而停止使用 DMPA(其中发生闭经的妇女占 15 % )。5 4例坚持接受两次以上注射 DMPA44例 (占总数的 2 8.6 % )于第二次注射后停用 (其中发生闭经的妇女占 6 3.6 % )。闭经的总例数为 47例 (30 .5 % )。 2 1例未产妇中 ,仅 4例连续用药 2次 ,9例闭经 ,12例月经紊乱而终止使用。经产妇与未产妇的续用率相比经产妇高于未产妇。未产妇对月经的改变的可接受性要差。 Objectives:In order to examine the acceptability of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate(DMPA)among women using this contraceptive for the first time.154 women who received the injection of DMPA(150 mg intramuscularly every 3 months),were followed-up for 2 years.Results:The contraceptive efficacy for DMPA is 100% in our study But 7.8% of women stopped the fore irregular bleeding 57.2% of women stopped for sporting bleeding and 30.5 % stopped for amenorrhea.Totally,95.5% of women stopped using DMPA for the bleeding problems.In our study 64.9 % of women stopped using DMPA for the bleeding problems,after 1 st time injection.Among them,15% of women stopped using DMPA for amenorrhea.Only 54 women insist in using DMPA for more than twice.But 44(28.6%)of them stopped using DMPA after 2 nd injection.Among them,63.6% stopped using for the amenorrhea.In our study,47(30.5%) of women stopped using DMPA for amenorrhea.In our study,21 of nulliparous women received injection of DMPA.Among of them,onyl 4 of women injected twice.All of them stopped using DMPA for bleeding problems.DMPA is more acceptable in parous women than in nulliparous women.
出处 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期211-212,共2页 Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 副反应 长效避孕针 醋酸甲孕酮 DMPA Contraception Side effect
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