为研究姜黄素的降脂作用和抗氧化作用 ,将高脂血症模型大鼠根据血总胆固醇水平随机分为 4组 :基础饲料对照组喂基础饲料 ;基础饲料 +姜黄素组喂加入姜黄素 5 g/ kg的基础饲料 ;高脂饲料对照组喂高脂饲料 ;高脂饲料 +姜黄素组喂加入姜黄素 5 g/ kg的高脂饲料。再喂养 4周 ,测定血脂及抗氧化指标。结果显示姜黄素能降低高脂模型大鼠血中总胆固醇、甘油三酯水平 ,提高载脂蛋白 A水平 ,并降低血及肝中过氧化脂质 ,同时提高肝匀浆总抗氧化能力和 SOD活性、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性。高脂模型大鼠在改饲基础饲料 4周后血脂可降至实验前基础水平 ,若同时给与姜黄素 (5 g/ kg) ,则在第 2周时就能得到相同效果。
The regulation effects of curcumin on lowering blood lipids and antioxidation were studied in the hyperlipoidem ia model Wistar rats fed with high fat diet for 4weeks.The hyperlipoidemia m odel rats were then separated into four groups:normal diet group,norm al diet+ curcumin(5 g/ kg) group,high- fat diet group and high- fat diet+ curcum in group.The rats were fed with experimental diets for another 4 weeks respectively.The results indicated that curcumin decreased the serum levels of cholesterol and triglyceride and increased the serum level of apolipoprotein A.Curcumin decreased TBA value and improved total antioxidation capability.The activities of SOD and GSH- PX in liver were enhanced.After taking norm al diet for four weeks,the blood fat and cholesterol levels of the hyperlipoidemia rats recovered.Butin the normal diet+ curcumin group,the same results could be found in two weeks.
Journal of Hygiene Research