

An Analysis of Effects of Textual Vocabulary Teaching Modes to Low,Middle and High Grade Groups
摘要 文章以梧州学院数理系学生为对象开展词汇教学方式准实验研究。按词汇测试成绩把受试分为低、中、高分组,分别用与平均分最为或较为相关的三个生词的词义测试成绩代表讲授/不讲授"精读"外词义及解释/不解释词义联系的词义教学效果,采用两个相关样本非参数McNemar检验对三组受试的三组成绩进行两两检验。结果显示:讲授"精读"外词义显著促进高分组"精读"词义学习;解释词义联系不能显著促进所有组别的"精读"词义学习。 A quasi-experiment on vocabulary teaching modes is carried out with the students in the Math and Physics Department of Wuzhou University as subjects. Subjects are grouped into low,middle and high grades according to their scores in a vocabulary test. Their a- chievements in learning three new words, which are the most or relatively related to the mean scores ,represents the teaching effects of teaching or not teaching an meaning unrelated to the text and explaining or not explaining the sense relationships. McNemar Nonparametric Test of Two Related-Samples is adopted to analyze the three data samples of each subject group. The result shows:teaching the lexical meaning unrelated to the text significantly promoted the learn- ing of the textual meaning, while explaining sense relationship did not significantly enhance the learning of lexical meaning in text.
作者 陈阳芳
机构地区 梧州学院外语系
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2012年第7期72-75,共4页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 大学英语“精读” 词汇教学 一词多义 认知语言学 intensive reading of college English vocabulary teaching and learning polyse- my cognitive linguistics
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