
包覆型浸渍树脂在硫酸介质中吸附铟(Ⅲ)的机理 被引量:4

Adsorption Mechanism of Coated Impregnated Resin for Indium (Ⅲ) in Sulfuric Acid
摘要 以P507为萃取剂,HZ818大孔吸附树脂为载体,聚乙烯醇为包覆材料,硼酸为交联剂,制备了包覆型P507浸渍树脂。通过饱和法和等摩尔系列法考察了包覆型P507浸渍树脂在硫酸介质中吸附铟(Ⅲ)的机理,并利用红外光谱对包覆前后浸渍树脂及包覆型P507浸渍树脂吸附铟(Ⅲ)后进行了表征分析。结果表明,包覆型P507浸渍树脂在硫酸介质中吸附铟(Ⅲ)的过程是阳离子交换和配位反应共同作用的结果。 Coated P507 impregnated resin was prepared with P507 as the extractant, HZ818 macroporous resin as the matrix,polyvinyl alcohol as the coating material and boric acid as the crosslinking agent. The adsorption mechanism of the sample for indium (Ⅲ) in sulfuric acid was investigated by using saturation capacity method and constant molecular series method. Uncoated and coated P507 impregnated resin were characterized by IR spectra before and after indium (Ⅲ ) adsorption. The results show that the process of coated P507 impregnated resin adsorption for indium ( Ⅲ ) in sulfuric acid is contributed to the joint action of cation exchange and coordination reaction.
出处 《稀有金属与硬质合金》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期4-6,共3页 Rare Metals and Cemented Carbides
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2010BM027) 鲁东大学重点科研基金资助项目(L20072903)
关键词 P507萃取剂 包覆型浸渍树脂 铟(Ⅲ) 吸附机理 P507 extractant coated impregnated resinindium ( Ⅲ ) adsorption mechanism
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