本文报道用乳酸脱氢酶释放法对30例柯萨奇 B 病毒性心肌炎患者作自然杀伤(NK)细胞活性的检测,并与20例健康志愿者对照。结果发现,80%的患者有 NK 细胞活性降低,其中24例(80%)患者低于14%,15例(50%)患者低于10%。用玉屏风散和生脉饮治疗2~3个月后复查,NK 细胞活性由治前的12.26±1.31(%,M±SD,下同)升高至31.99±4.23(P<0.001),同时患者的临床症状好转,心电图明显改善。提示玉屏风散和生脉饮可用于治疗柯萨奇 B 病毒性心肌炎。
A'LDH release method'was used to determine NK cell activity in 30 cases of Coxsackie B viral myocarditis and contrasted with 20 norinal volunteers.About 80% cases revealed NK cell activity deficiency.Among them,the NK activity of 24 cases (80%) was less than 14%;and 15 cases(50%) less than 10%.After Yupingfeng San and Shengmai Yin treatment for 2~3 months,their NK cell activity was elevated from 12.26±1.31% to 31.99±4.23% (P<0.001).At the same time,their clinical manifestations and EKG changes were improved or returned to normal.