In the field of cargo transportation by sea, the bill of lading is the proof of cargo transportation contract, which proves that the carrier can receive the goods or load the ship. The bill of lading guarantees de- livering goods, which corresponds with the characteristic of certificate of creditor's right. Based on the nature of transportation contract, it is the right of the obligatory claim that the consignee or the holder of the bill has the right to ask the carrier to deliver goods. Accordingly, it is an obligation of the carrier to deliver goods. If the carrier delivers goods without the bill of lading or other conducts leading consignee's lost, the carrier will be re- sponsible for violating the agreement. Therefore, the bill of lading exists as a certificate of creditor~ right in the field of cargo transportation by sea.
Journal of Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College
bill of lading, certificate of creditor' s right, documents of title