
温度和盐度对古蚶幼虫发育的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Larval Development of Anadara antiquate
摘要 研究温度和盐度对古蚶孵化率、畸形率和发育速度等的影响,结果表明,在水温为28℃,盐度为28的条件下,古蚶从受精卵发育至D型幼虫的时间约为22h45min;古蚶幼虫发育的最适温度为25~29℃,在此温度范围内,古蚶胚胎发育速度较快,孵化率较高,畸形率较低。古蚶幼虫发育最适盐度为22~30,在此盐度范围内,古蚶孵化率高,发育速度较快,且孵化出幼虫的活力良好。 Responses of Anadara antiquate larval to various ambient water temperatures and salinity levels were measured in terms of hatchability and larval development rate. The results showed that A. antiquate developed to D - model larvae from fertilized eggs for about 22 hours and 45 minutes when incubated at the ambient temperature of 28℃ and the salinity level of 28. The optimum ambient temperature for larval development ranged between 25 - 29 ℃, within which A. antiquata had a higher embryonic development rate and a higher hatchability but a low malformation rate. The optimum ambient salinity for larval development was 22 -30, at which A. antiquata gave a higher hatchability and a higher larval development rate, and the larvae hatched from the eggs grew well.
出处 《热带生物学报》 2012年第2期177-179,196,共4页 Journal of Tropical Biology
基金 海南省科学事业费项目(09-20410-001) "国家科技基础条件平台-水产种质资源平台"项目(2011DKA21103)
关键词 古蚶 幼虫发育 温度 盐度 temperature salinity Anadara antiquate larval growth
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