
载人登月软着陆中手动控制制导方案研究 被引量:1

Exploring Manual-Control Strategy for Manned Lunar Soft Landing
摘要 针对载人登月软着陆的接近段和着陆段,研究手动控制重新选址方案。首先引入了载人登月阶段划分,建立了登月舱动力学模型,然后对电视制导和舷窗制导2种手动控制选址方案进行了比较。电视制导方案中,宇航员能够直接在视场内选择新的着月点,并由自动控制系统实现对目标的制导;传统的舷窗制导要求宇航员全程参与控制,主要约束包括手动控制的延迟以及舷窗的视线范围,并且每次手动调节量有限。对2种制导方案的仿真结果表明,电视制导由于不受视线角约束,着月点可调整范围大于舷窗制导。同时电视制导对姿态机动的要求更高。并且宇航员重新选址操作进行得越早,着月点可调整范围越大。 Sections 1 though 3 of the full paper explain our exploration mentioned in the title, which we believe provides some results useful in China and whose core consists of: " First, the approach phase and landing phase are introduced in which crew visibility and manual control are available. The coordinate systems and dynamic model of the lunar module are also established. Second, the TV guidance strategy is presented. The manual control delay model is considered in the guidance system. Desired landing location can be chosen directly by the pilot from the TV visual field. This location is used to renew the states of the guidance system and realized by a nominal trajectory guidance law. Then, porthole guidance strategy used in the Apollo mission is discussed. In this manual landing system, the vision of the pilot is limited by the lunar module's forward window. Furthermore, the pilot is restricted to only making incremental changes manually. " Simulation results, presented in Figs. 4 though 8 and Tables 1 and 2, and their analysis show preliminarily that: ( 1 ) the landing optional region of TV guidance strategy is considera- bly larger than that of porthole guidance one ; the in-plane location can be retargeted from - 1000 m to 4000 m for TV guidance, and from -161.7 m to 1424.2m for porthole guidance; (2) it is also verified that the earlier the manual control intervenes, the larger is the landing retarget region; (3) the attitude maneuver angle of TV guid- ance is bigger than that of porthole guidance.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期479-484,共6页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 载人登月 软着陆 手动控制 电视制导 computer simulation, control, lunar landing, trajectories manual control, porthole strategy, soft landing, TV strategy
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