Objective To present our experience of dealing with complete penile amputation. Methods Two cases of penile complete amputation were reported. The first case was a 34-year-old man, suffered amputation of the penis approximately 2.5 cm distal from the pubic area with a sharp knife. 3.5 hours later, the patient was transferred to our hospital. The urethra mucosa and corpus spongiosum were an- astomosed. The cavernous body of the penis was reattached by suturing the tunica albuginea of each corpus cavernosum to the corresponding proximal segment. One dorsal artery, two dorsal veins, and dorsal nerve were anastomosed under a 10 x microscope with interrupted 9-0 nylon nonabsorbable sutures. The second case was a 25-year-old man, presented to the emergency room 15 hours after distal penile amputation, which had 2 wounds as a result of self-mutilation caused by psychiatric problems. The urethra mueosa and corpus spongiosum were anastomosed. The cavernous body of the penis was reattached by suturing the tunica albu- ginea of each corpus cavernosum to the corresponding proximal segment using 4-0 polyglactic acid sutures. Results In the first case, the tourniquet was released after replantation, and the distal penis appeared to revascularize, as noted by the gradual increase in redness and size. An arterial pulse was detected, and the superficial penile veins displayed normal turgor, and no bleeding was found. On postoperative day 3, the pe- nile skin started to necrotize. On day 12, the necrotic skin was superficially debrided, and a fistula was ob- served in the corresponding urethral segment. Two weeks later, the fistula was sutured with 4-0 interrupted synthetic absorbable suture, and a transposition flap to embed the whole injured penis shaft was created from the proximal scrotal skin. The glans was exposed. Two months after the second operation, the embedded pc-nis was released from the scrotum. After follow-up of two years, the patient had glans re-epithelialization with normal voiding, sensation, and erections. In the second case, the glans was still pink, but the penile skin started to necrotize on postoperative day 3. On day 14, serious infections were noted, the necrotic skin was superficially debrided, and the amputated penis was relieved. Conclusions Prompt diagnosis and early treatment are essential to avoid the potential complications of isehemic necrosis and autoamputation. Venous outflow is a critical factor for success of replantation. Microsurgical reanastomosing of the dorsal pe- nile vein, penile arteries, and dorsal nerves can be identified as the %tandard~ method for penile replanta- tion. The bipedicled scrotal flap can provide adequate skin cover for penis defects.
Chinese Journal of Urology