伊朗的锡斯坦-俾路支斯坦省属于多民族居住的边疆省份,真主军在此地的一系列恐怖活动凸现出其民族问题的紧迫性和严重性。信仰逊尼派的俾路支人(Baloch people)作为历史上被征服的民族缺乏对伊朗国家的强烈认同和忠诚,而伊朗当局文化、民族和宗教政策的失误导致俾路支人怨声载道。伊朗俾路支人属于典型的跨界民族,毒品走私和非法移民交织在一起,与贫困形成恶性循环,制约了当地经济和社会的发展;同时,邻近三国边界,使其容易受到邻国和国际社会的宗教极端主义、民族分裂主义和恐怖主义的影响,形成互动局面。在目前的国际国内政治格局中,伊朗俾路支斯坦民族问题将长期存在,但不会走向独立建国的道路。
The activeness of the Jundallah (soldiers of God) in Sistan and Baluchestan Province in Iran has revealed Baluch problems in Iran in multiple folds, such as drug trafficking, illegal immigration, poverty and segregation of the tribal society, trans-border ethnicity, lacking of national loyalty, terrorism, international religious extremism and separatism. Cultural, ethnical and religious mistakes made by State stimulate complaints among local people and social unrest. In the present national and international political structure, Baluch problems in Iran will remain unsolved for a long time, but Baluehistan has no chance to be independent.
Journal of World Peoples Studies