目的探讨少见部位内生性软骨瘤的MRI表现及特征。资料与方法回顾性分析8例经手术病理证实的内生性软骨瘤的MRI资料。结果 8例中,位于四肢长骨7例(股骨干3例,胫骨干2例,股骨干骺端1例,肱骨干骺端1例),肩部1例;6例单发,2例多发;4例呈分叶状,3例呈多发结节状,1例为不规则形;6例病灶边界清楚,骨皮质和周围软组织未见侵犯;1例边界不清并可见骨皮质破坏;MRI平扫T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈不均匀高信号,增强扫描呈环形明显不均匀强化。结论除四肢短管状骨这一常见发病部位外,少见部位的内生性软骨瘤好发于四肢长骨,其MRI表现具有特征性,对肿瘤的定性诊断具有重要价值。
Purpose To investigate the MRI characteristic features ofenchondromas in rare sites. Materials and Methods MRI features of 8 patients with enchondromas confirmed by pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Results 7 of 8 cases had lesions located in long bones of limbs (shaft of femur in 3 cases, shaft of tibia in 2 cases, metaphysis of femur in 1 case, and metaphysis of humeru in 1 case), and 1 case in the shoulder. 6 cases had single lesion and 2 cases had multiple lesions. Contours of the tumors were presented lobulated in 4 cases, multiple nodules in 3 cases, and irregular in 1 case. Well-defined borders were showed in 6 cases without periosteal bone formation and soft tissue involvement. 1 case had ill-defined margin and cortical destruction. All cases were hypointense on Tl-weighted images, and predominantly high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 6 cases showed "ring- and-arc" heterogeneous enhancement on postcontrast images. Conclusion Besides hand and foot short bones, enchondromas of rare sites most commonly occurs in long bones of limbs with characteristic features on MR images, which is important for the diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging