
自动问题求解智能教学系统中语义理解方法综述 被引量:2

A Review of the Method of Semantic Analysis in the Automated Problem Solving of ITS
摘要 文章对近五十年来国内外自动问题求解智能教学系统中自然语言的语义理解方法进行了梳理。对不同时期、不同系统的语义理解方法进行了分析和比较,归纳总结出系统能够解决题目受限的原因,并得出以下结论:问题表征是语义理解的方向,知识库是语义理解的基础,借鉴认知科学的研究成果是语义理解研究的趋势。最后提出了该领域面临的问题和挑战。 This paper reviewed the method of semantic analysis in the automated problem solving of ITS in the recently fifty years. The methods of semantic in the different years are compaRed. The reason that the problems were constrained for solving is concluded. And this paper concludes that the representation is the direction of semantic analysis, the knowledge base is the basic of semantic analysis, and initiating the researched of cognitive psychology is the trend. The problems and challenges are given at last.
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2012年第8期104-108,103,共6页 Modern Educational Technology
关键词 智能教学系统 语义理解 自然语言理解 自动问题求解 ITS semantic analysis natural language processing automated problem solving
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