
分布式电源优化配置的仿电磁学算法 被引量:5

Electromagnetism-like Mechanism Based on Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation
摘要 研究了配网中不同分布式电源在不同地点的规划问题,在分布式电源的容量、个数和不同地点负荷需求已知的情况下,将多目标函数归一化建立最小化配电网耗费的优化目标函数,采用仿电磁学算法优化分布式电源的规划配置,得到不同分布式电源在不同地点接入的规划方案。通过与遗传算法相比较,仿电磁学算法在分布式电源优化配置的运行效率和容错性能具有明显的优势。 The planning of different distributed generation (DG) in distribution network's different location is researched. In condition that the capacity of each DG, number of DGs and load demand of different positions are certain, the multi-objective funetion is normalized and an optimal objective function for minimized cost in distribution network is built, which adopts electromagnetism-like mechanism to optimize planning configura- tion of DGs and attains the planning scheme while different DGs are connected at different locations. Efficiency and fault tolerance performance of electromagnetism-like mechanism in distributed generation optimization allo- cation has many obvious advantages comparing with genetic algorithm.
出处 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期134-138,共5页 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
关键词 分布式电源 仿电磁学算法 多目标优化 listributed generation(DG) electromagnetism-like mechanism multi-objective optimization
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