目的评估中青年中国人视网膜中央静脉阻塞(central retinal vein occlusion,CRVO)的危险因素和相关发病率。方法回顾性分析26例45岁及以下CRVO患者的年龄、性别、发病过程(发病时间、治疗过程、预后)、血压、体质指数、吸烟史,眼科检查情况(视力、眼压、前节、眼底照相、FFA、OCT)、实验室检查(包括同型半胱氨酸、甘油三酯、胆固醇等)。结果本组26例32眼,平均随访30个月。其中高甘油三酯(61.5%),高胆固醇血症(53.8%),肥胖(42.3%)是中青年CRVO的危险因素。4例(15.4%)在随访中发生心脑血管意外,3例(11.5%)死亡。结论中国年轻人CRVO视力预后差,双眼发病者发生脑血管意外的比例更高。
Objective To evaluate the risk factors for central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and associat- ed morbidity and mortality in middle-aged Chinese. Methods Eye and physical examination were performed in 45 years old and younger CRVO patients. Retrospective analysis were accomplished in 26 cases including age, gender, disease pro- cess (time of onset, course of treatment, prognosis), blood pressure, body mass index, smoking history, ophthalmologic ex- amination (visual acuity, intraocular pressure, FFA, OCT), laboratory tests (homocysteine, triglycerides, and cholesterol). Results Thirty-two eyes of 26 cases of CRVO patients were identified with an average follow-up of 30 months. Elevated triglycerides (61.5%), hypercholesterolemia(53.8%), and obesity (42.3%) were considered risk factors for young CRVO. Four cases(15.4%) had cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents during the follow-up, 3 cases (11.5%) died during the fol- low-up. Conclusion The vision of CRVO in the middle-aged Chinese prognosis is poor and CRVO may result in a higher incidence of cerebrovascular accidents.
Beijing Medical Journal