

Study on the Evolution of Trust from Service Providers and Cooperation of International Service Outsourcing firms
摘要 以跨国公司全球价值链重构下的国际服务外包为背景,从发包方的角度出发,针对212家在中国的国际服务外包企业有效问卷的调查数据,探究来自服务提供商的信任与作为发包商的跨国公司合作之间的演化关系。实证结果表明:计算信任对关系信任有显著的正向影响;计算合作对关系合作有显著的正向影响;关系信任可以获取跨国公司的任何类型的合作,而计算信任需要通过关系信任等途径才能实现对于跨国公司合作的积极影响;外包双方均太注重利益计算,不利于合作关系的建立。在对跨国公司合作的影响效果上,关系信任高于计算信任,因此,为了获取跨国公司的合作,接包企业更应加强关系信任的培养。 Under Multinational Corporation restructuring their value chain, based on the client view, questionnaires were used to study the effects of trust and cooperation among international service outsourcing firms. Our results showed that calculus-based trust was positively correlated with relational-based trust; calculus-based cooperation was positively correlated with relational-based cooperation; relational-based trust can obtain any kind of cooperation, while calculus-based trust only by relational-based trust. The total effects of relational-based trust on cooperation were significantly greater than those of calculus -based trust; the supplier should cultivate relational- based trust to obtain the cooperation from Multinational Corporation.
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2012年第4期21-26,共6页 Shanghai Management Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(11YJA790138)
关键词 国际服务外包 计算信任 关系信任 计算合作 关系合作 International service outsourcing Calculus-basedtrust Relational-based trust Calculus-based Cooperation Relational-based Cooperation
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