分别给予氢化可的松化阳虚小鼠右归饮液和生理盐水0.5ml 灌胃10天,结果右归饮使阳虚小鼠的血浆环磷酸腺苷 cAMP 含量明显升高,P<0.05;环磷酸鸟苷 cGMP含量明显地下降,P<0.05;cAMP/cGMP 比值明显上升,P<0.01。使血浆皮质醇含量明显升高,P<0.05。并有增加氢化可的松化阳虚小鼠脾及胸腺重量的作用。
Yang deficiency animal models were induced by hydrocortisone 1 mg/day for 7-day to male mice,Then these medcl mice of experimental group were perfused by gastrogavage with 0.5 ml You-gui-yin(YGY)solution,the control group 0.5 ml normal saiine 10-day.The plasma circular nucreotide and cortisol were radioimmunoassaysed by r-immune counter.The content of cAMP of experimental group was 144.24±33.35% pmol/ml,the control group 109.11±31.98 pmol/ml(P<0.05), The contents of cGMP were 28.39±10.22 and 45.39±15.33 pmol/ml respectively(P<0.05).The contents of cortisol were 12.42±2.21 and 8.96±1.19μg/dl respectively(P<0.05).On the other hand YGY to the model mice could raised the living ability at low temperature.The results suggested that YGY had the effect of adjusting system circular nucreotide and promoting the secretion of adrenal cortex.