

A High-efficiency Flexible Device for Illumination Power-saving Control
摘要 照明用电占全世界总用电量的20%,节约照明用电对于人类可持续发展意义重大。针对由双向晶闸管构成的相控斩波器、纯BUCK或BUCK/BOOST式脉冲宽度调制(pulse width modulation,PWM)的高频交流斩波器在控制照明灯具功率方面存在的不足,提出一种主电路由串联补偿和BUCK型交流斩波器构成的柔性智能照明节电控制系统装置(柔性节电系统),用于集中控制一组照明灯具以达到节能目的。阐述了柔性节电系统工作原理,采用非互补PWM交流斩波器控制方法、开关器件并联技术和变压器原边短路的旁路抗冲击技术来提高其运行效率、可靠性和适应范围。实验样机验证的结果证明,柔性节电系统的运行效率和可靠性高,适用于多种不同类型的负载。 Electric power for illumination takes up 20 percent of total consumption in the world and illumination power sawng is of significance to sustainable development of human beings. Aiming at shortcomings of phase-controlled chopper con- figured by bidirectional thyristor or high-frequency AC chopper of BUCK or BUCK/B(X3ST pulse width modulation (PWM), the paper presents a flexible device for illumination power-saving control (flexible power-saving system), the main circuit of which is composed of series compensation and BUCK-type AC chopper for the purpose of power saving by means of controlling a group of lighting fixtures. The paper also introduces operating principle of flexible power saving system, op- erational efficiency improvement via non-compensation AC PWM chopper control, parallel technology of switchgears, and bypass shock resistance technology for primary-side short circuit of transformer, reliability and scope of application. Furthermore, it is proved by experimental prototype that the flexible power-saving system is of high operational efficiency and reliability, and can be applicable for various loads.
机构地区 三峡大学
出处 《广东电力》 2012年第7期54-58,共5页 Guangdong Electric Power
关键词 节能 交流BUCK斩波器 串联补偿 器件并联 energy saving AC BUCK chopper series compensation component parallel
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