
大学生国家助学贷款新进展:国际经验与财政金融制度创新 被引量:1

Financial loans to the college undergraduates as a national aid
摘要 全球高等教育规模持续扩大以及高等教育财政投资紧缩,高等教育成本分担与补偿已被国际社会普遍认同,运用财政、金融政策资助家庭困难高校学生完成学业在国际社会已形成广泛共识,推行国家担保的学生贷款制度普遍展开。国际学生贷款在财政、金融支持上存在共同本质,在运作模式上各显特色。国际学生贷款的成功案例表明国际学生贷款制度设计必须建立一个健全、完善而开放的财政、金融支持体系。中国学生贷款在资助经济困难学生完成学业方面取得了显著成绩,但存在可持续发展的制度瓶颈。深入落实国家教育改革发展纲要、促进学生贷款制度的进一步完善,必须充分发挥财政与金融杠杆的功能耦合机制、全面推进财政金融制度创新、构建完善的财政金融支持体系。 With the continued global expansion of the higher education and shrinking of financial invest- ment, universities carry out the mechanism of costs and compensation. Under such circumstances, bank loans act as national aids to help undergraduates to complete their studies. The success speaks for the sound financial and monetary supportive system. Chinese loan program has made remarkable achieve- ments, but a bottleneck remains to the sustainable development. Countermeasures are proposed to pro- mote the government-guaranteed mechanism combined with financial and monetary leverages.
作者 许长青
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第8期30-39,共10页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
关键词 学生贷款 财政金融支持 国际经验 制度创新 student loan financial and monetary support international experience institutional inno-vation
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