

Three Levels of Intervention to Inherited Mental Retardation
摘要 精神发育迟滞(MR)是指患儿智力能力显著低于正常,对社会环境适应能力明显减低的一组疾病,其病因多达数百种,遗传因素在其发病中发挥重要作用。现对遗传性MR的产前及孕前遗传学诊断及咨询方法,智力低下患儿康复指导和综合训练措施进行综述,以期为减少遗传性MR出生率,提高此类患儿生活质量提供理论借鉴。 Mental retardation(MR) is a cluster of disorders, characterized by low intelligence and low adaptive behavior. Its causes are as many as hundreds,while genetic factors play an important role in the path- ogenesis. Here is to make a review on genetic counseling for mothers who had delivered inherited MR child, and select appropriate prenatal diagnostic methods for early screening of MR, and provide rehabilitative guid- ance and comprehensive training protocol for MR. It will be helpful for reducing the birth rate, increasing the survival rate and improving quality of life of inherited MR children.
出处 《医学综述》 2012年第15期2374-2376,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 精神发育迟滞 遗传性 干预 存活率 Mental Retardation Inherited Intervention Survival rate
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