用大黄塑造成 Wistar 大白鼠中医类脾虚模型。血浆和脾脏中 cAMP 下降,cGMP 上升,cAMP/cGMP 比值下降;脾脏 cAMP-磷酸二酯酶(cAMP-PDE)活性不变,腺替酸环化酶(AC)活性下降。用益气健脾汤治疗,脾虚症状消失的时间比治疗对照组快而稳定。治疗组血浆和脾脏中两种环核苷酸及比值均恢复,脾脏中 cAMP-PDE 活性不变,AC 活性增高;而治疗对照组上述指标未恢复。结果表明两种环核苷酸及其比值的变化是脾虚证的参考指征,并证明益气健脾汤作用可致 cAMP/cGMP 比值改变。结果还提示大黄引起机体免疫功能下降可能与 AC 活性受抑制,cAMP/cGMP 比值下降有关,而益气健脾汤的调整作用也与 AC 系统和 cAMP/cGMP 比值有关。
In order to investigate the nature of Spleen deficiency and the mechanism of immunodepression due to Spleen deficiency and explore the pharmacological action of Chinese drugs of Yiqi Jianpi decoction(YQJP),the authors had established the rats model by abministration Rhubarb.The preliminary results demonstrated that the symptoms manifestated in rats were similar to those of Spleen deficiency syndrome.The changes of cyclic nucleotides in the spleen and plasma were unanimous.The cAMP level and the ratio of cAMP/cGMP decreased significantly while cGMP level increased significantly.Adenylate cyclase(AC)activity in the spleen reduced remarkably while cAMP-PDE activity had little changes.After the administration of YQJP,the symptoms of Spleen deficiency improved to normal extent.YQJP elevated the cAMP level,the ratio of cAMP/cGMP and AC activity while it lowered the cGMP level.The results showed that the changes of cyclic nucleotides level and the ratio of cAMP/cGMP were important targets of Spleen deficiency and that the action of YQJP followed the change of the ratio of cAMP/cGMP.The results of this study indicated that immunodepression of Rhubarb was due to depressing AC activity and reducing the ratio of cAMP/cGMP.The readjusting action of YQJP was concerned with AC system.This study supplied Spleen deficiency and YQJP with certain data in biochemical mechanism and phar- macological function.