利用NJOY程序制作了用于医院中子照射器Ⅰ型堆(in-hospital neutron irradiator mark 1 reactor,IHNI-1)物理计算的MCNP中子截面库。着重考虑了反应堆运行温度范围内的温度点,制作了多温度点ACE(a compact ENDF)格式中子截面数据库。利用MCNP/4B自带库验证了自制库的正确性,利用ICSBEP(International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evalution Project,国际临界安全基准评价工程手册)基准题对结果进行了验证和反应性温度系数计算,分析了不同参数的影响作用。结果表明,所制作的截面库是正确的,能够用于IHNI-1反应堆物理设计计算。
A temperature-dependent neutron cross-section library for MCNP in in-hospital neutron irradiator mark 1 reactor was generated using NJOY software.Accounting for the temperature range for reactor operation,a compact ENDF(ACE) data library was created.The accuracy of the self-making library was validated by comparing data with MCNP/4B standard library and the results were tested by ICSBEP(International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project) benchmark problems,which was used in the calculation of Doppler temperature coefficient.Influence of different parameters in the processing was also analyzed.The results showed that the ACE format library produced in this paper was correct and could be used reliably for physics design at IHNI-1 reactor.
Strategic Study of CAE