This paper presents an analysis of the random fluctuations, deferred conduction effect and periodicity of road traffic based on the basic features of road networks. It also discusses the limitations of road network evaluation theories based on road "V/C". In addition, it proposes a set of theoretical and technical methods for the real-time evaluation of traffic flows for entire road networks, and for solving key technical issues, such as real-time data collection and processing in areas with no blind zones, the spatial-temporal dynamic analysis of road network traffic, and the calibration of key performance index thresholds. It also provides new technical tools for the strategic transportation planning and real-time diagnosis of road traffic. The new tools and methodology presented in this paper are validated using a case study in Beijing.
"973"National Key Basic Research & Development Program "Research of the Basic Scientific Issues in the Traffic Congestion Bottlenecks of Big Cities"( No. 2006CB705500)
Beijing Science & Technology Program "Research of the New Data Collection Technologies for Transportation Management " (No.D101100049710004)
Beijing Science & Technology Program "Research of the Demonstration Platform for the In-tegrated Dynamic Operation Analysis of City Road Networks"(No. D07050600440704)