As the pace of enterprise Informationization accelerates, most businesses use computers and local area networks to support business management, such as in electric power enterprises had developed runs in maturation of OA systems, provisioning, integration, ERP, GIS, information management systems, such as emergency command system, by means of a local area network greatly improve enterprise productivity. With the development of network security technology in recent years, however, LAN user access control management increasingly prominent, while the end user is also using anti-virus, firewall, vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection and other security measures, to improve LAN speeds and data security. However, still there are many hidden dangers of network security. Are increasingly prominent issues were: security issues raised by the internal network. As power companies interconnected internal LAN and the Intemet, no doubt to the corporate local area network management brings a great deal of pressure and challenge. This requires that our network managers pay great attention to the security control and management issues of the network itself. There are a set of acts of effective Intemet control measures, we can guarantee the smooth and safe operation of local area network.
local area network
behavior control