
六方系InAlGaN晶体的长波长光学声子研究(英文) 被引量:3

Study on Long-wavelength Optical Phonons in Hexagonal InAlGaN Crystals
摘要 利用拉曼散射实验方法对六方系InAlGaN晶体的光学声子进行了测量,同时利用修正随机元素同向位移模型对其光学声子与组分的关系进行了理论模拟。结果表明InAlGaN晶体的E1与A1光学声子分支都表现为单模行为,测量得到的InxGa0.45-xAl0.55N晶体的A1(LO)声子与计算结果一致。对InxAl0.42-xGa0.58N晶体的A1(LO)声子的计算结果与Cros的测量结果进行了对比,两者也相符。 The optical phonons are investigated experimentally by means of Raman scatterning and by the modified random element isodisplacement(MREI) model in hexagonal quaternary nitride-based crystals.A one-mode behavior of E1 and A1 branches is presented in our calculated results.The calculated A1(LO) branches are almost consistent with our experimental data for In x Ga0.45-xAl0.55N crystals,and Cros’s experimenatal results for In x Al 0.42-xGa0.58N crystals.
出处 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期808-811,共4页 Chinese Journal of Luminescence
基金 国家自然科学基金(61176043) 肇庆学院自然科学基金(201109)资助项目
关键词 InAlGaN 光学声子 拉曼散射 MREI InA1GaN optical phonon Raman scattering MREI
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