
载人深潜器接近海底结构物时水动力变化特性研究 被引量:4

Hydrodynamic property of HOV approaching sea bottom structure
摘要 采用数值模拟和试验相结合的方法对某型载人深潜器水下接近海底结构物时的水动力变化规律进行了研究,验证了数值方法的可靠性,通过数值模拟对物理试验的外延,得到了许多重要的水动力的变化规律,对载人深潜器操纵性能预报具有参考价值,对水下物体间的协同工作具有一定的指导意义。 Through numerical simulations and model tests, the hydrodynamic properties of a HOV are stud- ied when approaching sea bottom structure. The feasibility of the numerical simulations is demonstrated by model test results, and the variations of the HOV hydrodynamic property are analyzed carefully after that. These research results are very helpful in optimization design of submersible, and could also be references of the multi-body submersible design and the cooperative work of submersibles.
作者 李刚 段文洋
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2012年第8期877-884,共8页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
关键词 载人深潜器 水动力特性 海底结构物 数值模拟和模型试验 human occupied vehicle (HOV) hydrodynamic property sea bottom structure numerical simulation and model test
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