
语义学/语用学“界面”说——误导抑或启迪? 被引量:10

Semantics-Pragmatics "Interface": Misleading or Enlightening?
摘要 语义学与语用学的划界之争历久弥新。近年来在语境论思潮的影响下,语义学/语用学"界面"说几成定论。美国语言哲学家Bach则逆潮流而动,坚持语义学/语用学清晰划界观,否定两者之间存在交叉重叠,提出"界面"说实乃一种"误导"。虽然其观点似有为求整齐明晰划界而将问题过于简单化之嫌,但他对两者在语言表达与理解过程中不同作用的揭示,对于系统探析语义学/语用学之关系、深化意义理论研究提供了诸多启迪。 The division of labor between semantics and pragmatics has been under continued and invigorated debate. The advocacy of semantics/ pragmatics interface seems to have been gaining increasing recognition with the widespread influence of contextualism. Running counter to it, Bach insists on the clear-cut distinction between semantics and pragmatics while denying there is any overlap between them. He declares that the claim of semantics/pragmatics interface is simply misleading. Admittedly, there may be a smattering of oversimplification of the issue in an attempt to draw a neat demarcation line between the two fields, but Bach's explication of the different roles semantics and pragmatics play in linguistic expression and interpretation proves insightful for furthering systematic exploration into their relationship, thus promoting the theoretical study of meaning.
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期34-39,共6页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 教育部规划基金项目"后格赖斯视阈下的语义学/语用学界面研究"(项目编号:10YJA740064)的阶段性成果
关键词 语义学 语用学 界面 语境论 semantics pragmatics interface contextualism
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