
基于状态仲裁的锁位防碰撞算法 被引量:1

Lock-bit Anti-collision Algorithm Based on State Arbitration
摘要 结合动态后退式算法,提出一种基于状态仲裁的锁位防碰撞算法。融合锁位和多状态的思想,对搜索到的卡号进行锁位判断,在搜索过程中不断对卡号完成状态分割,在2个准备态直接仲裁出2张卡,并对其进行数据操作,从识别次数和传输位数方面分析算法的性能。仿真结果表明,该算法能减少识别次数和传输位数,节省搜索时间。 The lock-bit anti-collision algorithm based on state arbitration is proposed on the basis of dynamic and back-binary algorithm.This algorithm coalesces lock-bit and multi-state ideas.It estimates searching cards by lock-bit,and does state segmentation of card number in the search process,and can arbitrate two states to direct the two cards for data operation.This paper uses of identification number and bit number of transmission to complete algorithm performance analysis.Simulation results show that the algorithm can reduce identification number,bit number of transmission,and retrench search time.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第15期290-292,F0003,共4页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50407017) 国家"863"计划基金资助项目(2007AA05Z242 2007AA05Z421)
关键词 无线射频识别 标签识别 防冲突 锁位 多状态 Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) tag identification anti-collision lock-bit multi-state
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