Biology Teaching
1Remage -Healey L, Dong S, Maidment NT, et al. 2011. Presynaptic control of rapid estrogen fluctuations in the songbird auditory fore-brain. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (27) : 10034 - 10038.
2MacDougall -Shackleton SA, Hemandez AM, Valyear KF et al. 2003. Photostimulation induces rapid growth of song - control brain regions in male and female chickadees (Poecile atricapilla). Neuroscience Letters, 340(3) : 165 - 168.
3Thompson CK. 2011. Cell death and the song control system: a model for how sex steroid hormones regulate naturally - occurring neuro-degeneration. Development, Growth and Differentiation, 53 ( 2 ) : 213 -224.
4Tramontin AD, Hartman VN, Brenowitz EA. 2000. Breeding conditions induce rapid and sequential gowth in adult avian song control circuits: a model of seasonal plasticity in the brain. The Journal of Neuroseience, 20 (2) : 854 - 861.
5Brenowitz EA, Lent K. Eliot A. 2001 Afferent input is necessary for seasonal growth and maintenance of adult avian song control circuits. The Journal of Neuroscience, 21 (7) : 2320 - 2329.
6Brenowitz EA, Lent K. 2002. Act locally and think globally : intracerebral testosterone implants induce seasonal - like growth of adult avian song control circuits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America USA, 99(19) : 12421 - 12426.
7Del Negro C, Edeline JM. 2002. Sex and season influence the proportion of thin spike cells in the canary HVc. Neuroreport, 13(16) : 2005 - 2009.
8Gobes SM, Ter Haar SM, Vignal C, et al. 2009. Differential responsiveness in brain and behavior to sexually dimorphie long calls in male and female zebra finches. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 516(4) : 312 -320.
9Fusani L, Vant HofT, Hutchison JB, et al. 2000. Seasonal expression of androgen receptors, estrogen receptors, and aromatase in the canary brain in relation to circulating androgens and estrogens. Journal Neurobiology, 43 (3) : 254 - 268.
10Bottjer SW, Dignan TP. 1988. Joint hormonal and sensory stimulation modulate neuronal number in adult canary brains. Journal of Neurobiology, 19 (7) : 624 - 635.
1曾少举,卢凯,华方圆,赵文龙,张信文,左明雪.10种鸣禽控制鸣啭神经核团大小与鸣唱复杂性的相关性[J].动物学报,2005,51(1):68-75. 被引量:8
2李东风,蓝书成.鸟类发声学习记忆研究进展[J].生命科学,1994,6(4):7-10. 被引量:2
3赵静,李东风.鸣禽发声学习记忆与即刻早期基因(英文)[J].中国临床康复,2005,9(40):174-176. 被引量:3
4孟玮,李东风.短时程突触可塑性研究概况[J].生物物理学报,2006,22(5):331-337. 被引量:3
5侯国强,李东风.新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部与鸣禽鸣唱学习可塑性[J].生物物理学报,2008,24(4):260-267. 被引量:1
6廖素群,李东风.性激素对成年鸣禽鸣唱可塑性的影响[J].生命科学研究,2009,13(2):173-176. 被引量:1
7侯国强,李东风.听觉反馈与鸣禽鸣唱学习可塑性[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2009,36(4):403-409. 被引量:2
8李德伟,曾玉,张信文.鸣禽鸣叫学习的神经生物学机制[J].生物学杂志,2009,26(5):50-52. 被引量:1
9张颖,孙颖郁,左明雪.鸣禽前脑基底神经节X区与语言学习[J].生理科学进展,2010,41(3):232-235. 被引量:1
10范博强,叶飞,杨思华,李东风.光声成像技术在鸣禽脑中的应用[J].华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2010,42(4):98-101. 被引量:1
2孟玮,姚丽华,王松华,李东风.脑源性神经营养因子对鸟类鸣唱行为的调控作用[J].生物物理学报,2014,30(2):101-109. 被引量:1
4王倩,杨佐娟,李金钢,何建平.甘肃鼢鼠适应地下生活的消化道形态和结构的季节可塑性[J].动物学杂志,2016,51(4):573-582. 被引量:5
5廖从舒,李东风.钙结合蛋白与鸟类鸣唱学习记忆[J].生命科学研究,2009,13(1):86-90. 被引量:1
6尚玉昌.动物行为研究的新进展(二):分子遗传学与动物行为[J].自然杂志,2011,33(6):334-336. 被引量:1
7孔令锋,王昭萍,于瑞海,王如才.二倍体与三倍体太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)的细胞学比较研究[J].青岛海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2002,32(4):551-556.
9莫日根,白学良,曹瑞.小叶锦鸡儿及其两个近缘种花粉形态种内多态性研究[J].内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2000,31(2):208-215. 被引量:8
10C. K. Catchpole(等),朱磊.鸟类鸣唱生物的旋律与变奏,第二版[J].国外科技新书评介,2009(6):17-18.