
美国公立高校学生纪律处分程序制度及其启示——以加州大学伯克利分校为例 被引量:7

Procedural System for Student Disciplinary Sanction in American Public College and University and Its Enlightenment——Taking University of California Berkeley for Example
摘要 美国公立高校处分学生时有遵循正当程序的义务,各高校普遍建立了完善的学生纪律处分程序制度。处分过程保障当事学生与师生代表的参与,处分机构民主性与中立性强,行政色彩很淡。正当程序保护的重心是处分决定的最初作出过程,校内申诉作为救济手段只是用来"拾遗补缺",学生无正当理由不能提起。美国相关程序突出了学生权利保护的价值倾向,但并没有走向过于司法化,且关注学术违纪行为的特殊性,对我国高校有重要借鉴意义。 For obligation of due process, perfect student disciplinary sanction system is established in American colleges and universities. The process attaches great importance to participation of students facing sanction as well as teacher and student representatives, and the disciplinary body reflects strong democracy and neutrality instead of administrative color. The focus of due process protection is the original decision-making process while the internal appeal is only the complementary exception with due causes. This related process highlighting value orientation of students' right protection with no over jurisdiction and especially taking into consideration the special feature of academic disciplinary behavior, is of much beneficial reference meaning for China's universities.
作者 韩兵
出处 《行政法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期106-113,共8页 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"高等学校的校规制定权研究"(09CFX009) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"高等学校的惩戒权研究"(08JC820048)
关键词 公立高校 学生纪律处分 不端行为 正当程序 Public College and University Student Disciplinary Sanction Misconduct Due Process
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  • 1See Beaney, Students, Higher Education and the Law, 45 Denver Law Journal 511,513-515 (1968).
  • 2See Board of trustees v.Waugh, 105 Miss 623,62 So. 827(1913),aff' d,237U.S.589(1915) ; Hamiton v. Regents of Univ. of Cal. 293 U.S.245,261(1934).
  • 3294 F.2d 150(5th Cir.1961).
  • 4See Kern Alexander & Erwin S. Solomon, College and University Law, The Michie Co., 1972, p.414.
  • 5I 294 F.2d 150,157-159 (5th Cir.1961).
  • 6Charles Alan Wright, The Constitution on the Campus, 22 Vanderbilt Law Review 1027, 1031 (1969).
  • 7419 U.S. 565 (1975).
  • 8William A. Kaplin, Barbarn A.Lee, the Law of Higher Education ,San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Publishers,2006, pp978-979.
  • 9General Order on Judicial Standards of Procedure and Substance in Review of Student Discipline in Tax Supported Institutions of Higher Education, 45 F.R.D.133, 142 (W.D.Mo. 1968) (en banc).
  • 10Esteban v. Central Mo. State Coll., 415 F.2d 1077, 1090 (8th Cir. 1969).











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