
超声液位传感器有限元模型及其声学特性分析 被引量:1

Finite Element Model and Its Acoustic Characteristics Analysis of Ultrasonic Liquid Level Transducer
摘要 运用ANSYS有限元软件建立超声液位传感器有限元模型,利用其谐波响应、瞬态响应分析技术分析了超声液位传感器声学特性.阐明了超声液位传感器声学特性分析的有限元理论,给出了建模过程若干关键问题的解决方法.研究了保护膜厚度、材料及压电元件的电学品质因数对传感器声学特性的影响,并通过实验验证了谐振频率和最大发射电压响应的仿真计算结果的合理性.由此可见,所建立的分析模型可较准确地对超声液位传感器的声学特性进行仿真模拟,为该传感器的优化设计提供了一种有效的方法. The finite element model (FEM) of the ultrasonic liquid level transducer was developed by ANSYS, and its acoustic characteristic was studied using the harmonic response and transient response technology. Firstly, the acoustic characteristic analysis of ultrasonic liquid level transducer based on finite element theory was described in detail. Solutions to several key problems during finite element modeling were provided. Secondly, the influence of thickness of protection film, material parameter and electrical quality factor on acoustic characteristic was investi- gated. Finally, the experimental results verified the feasibility of the simulating result of resonant frequency and the maximum transmitting voltage response. Therefore, the finite element method is a useful way to analyze the dynamic model of ultrasonic liquid level transducer and optimize such important parameters as the thickness of protection film and electrical quality factor.
出处 《天津大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期752-756,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University(Science and Technology)
基金 国防装备研究资助项目(4355161206)
关键词 超声液位传感器 有限元 声学特性分析 保护膜厚度 电学品质因数 ultrasonic liquid level transducer finite element acoustic characteristic analysis thickness of protection film electrical quality factor
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