

Application of SBS Threshold Enhance Technology in the Non-repeater Optical Transmission Systems
摘要 受激布里渊散射SBS是光纤通信中一种常见的非线性现象,限制了入纤功率从而也限制了通信系统信噪比和通信距离,由于这一限制,许多县-乡-村网络不得不设立大量的有源中继站点,因此增加了网络建设和运维成本,降低了网络可靠性。为了实现有线电视1 550 nm无源分配网络的大范围覆盖,优化网络结构,节约网络建设和运维成本,提高网络可靠性,介绍了一种能够提升SBS阈值的技术及其在有线电视无中继光传输系统中的应用。 Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fiber communication is a common non-linear phe- nomenon, limiting the optical power into the fiber, thus limiting the signal to noise ratio and the communica- tion distance in communication systems. Because of this limitation, many of the county township village had set up a large number of active network relay site, thus increasing the network construction, operation and ma- intenance costs, reducing network reliability. In order to achieve a wide range of 1,550 nm CATV passive dis- tribution network coverage, optimize network structure, reduce the construction , operation and maintenance costs, improve network reliability, this paper introduces a way to improve the SBS threshold, and an applica- tion of the way in CATV transmission non-relay system.
作者 李东峰 李镇
出处 《中国有线电视》 2012年第8期932-935,共4页 China Digital Cable TV
关键词 受激布里渊散射 阈值 有线电视 SBS threshold CATV
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