
巴南区缺血性脑卒中二级预防现状 被引量:1

Secondary prevention situation of ischemic stroke in Ba′nan district
摘要 目的分析重庆市巴南区缺血性卒中二级预防现状。方法 2010年6月至2010年12月入住巴南区二级医院神经内科病房首次卒中患者325例,全部经CT/MRI检查证实,出院诊断为缺血性卒中的患者,电话随访出院后脑卒中二级预防状况。结果患者缺乏对缺血脑卒中二级预防的基本知识,专科医生对缺血性卒中二级预防指南认识不足,对患者健康知识教育有待提高,大量非循证医学药物的使用,特别大量中药、中成药的使用,一方面使患者医疗费用耗费巨大,经济难以为继;另一方面患者对二级预防抓不住重点,使二级预防效果大打折扣。结论缺血性脑卒中患者二级预防知识及医生对指南重视程度有待提高,用药有待规范,此次卒中二级预防调查结果不容乐观,二级预防工作非常严峻。 Objective This investigation was to analyzes the secondary prevention situation of ischemic stroke at Ba'nan district. Methods There were 325 patients who suffer the ischemic stroke from June 2010 to Dec 2010 and were in the Second Class Hospi- tal of Ba'nan District. The illness of all patients had been confirmed by CT/MRI. After that a telephone survey were performed to the patients with confirmed diagnosi as ischemic stroke to make investigation about the secondary prevention situation of ischemic stroke. Results Patients had deficient knowledge of prevention of ischemic stroke. Specialist physicians was unable to perform effi- cient guidance of prevention of ischemic stroke. Patients shall receive more education about healthy knowledge. At present, drug a- buse, especially abundance of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese patent drug, may cause heavy economic burden for patients. On the other hand, patients cannot focus on the major aspects of the prevention and it will affect the efficient of the prevention. Con- clusion Specialist physicians shall focus on the guidance for the prevention of ischemic stroke and drug therapy need to be regula- ted. The secondary prevention situation Of Ba'nan district face severs challenge.
作者 饶刚 江思德
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第23期2405-2406,共2页 Chongqing medicine
基金 重庆市医疗特色专科建设项目经费资助
关键词 缺血性卒中 二级预防 ischemic stroke secondary prevention
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