
NFM在ITER中的中子学计算 被引量:1

The In-situ Neutronics Calculation of NFM in the ITER
摘要 NFM是一种重要的中子学诊断设备。它可以对ITER聚变中子产额进行实时测定。ITER在运行过程中子产额高达1021n/s,因此对放入其中的设备均需进行相关的中子学计算。采用MCNP程序,用MCAM构建了NFM模型,并将它放入ITER40度模型中进行相关中子学计算。最终得到NFM所在位置的中子和光子能谱分布,NFM中裂变材料的裂变速率,主要部件的能量沉积和温升效应。 NFM is a very important plasma diagnostic system which can provide the flux information about the ex -vessel neutron yield in ITER. The neutron yield of ITER will be the strongest one in the world(10 21n/s). It can bring some uncertain effects on the device. We had rebuilt the NFM model in order to check its situation and final effect by MCAM. The model of NFM was put into the standard 40 degree model of ITER and make some neutronics calculation. Through the Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations ( MCNP), we get some re- suits , such as the neutron flux and energy spectra in the location in which NFM will work, Reaction rate of fis- sile material, energy deposition and thermo mechanical effeet in the main components.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期518-522,598,共6页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 NFM ITER 中子学计算 中子通量 探测器 NFM, ITER, neutronics calculation, neutron flux, detector
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