
广州市某商场装修前后有机物污染状况调查 被引量:1

The Contamination of Volatile Substances before and after Decoration in a Supermarket in Guangzhou City
摘要 目的了解商场装修前后室内空气中有机物的污染状况及其变化趋势,探讨室内空气质量的影响因素,为制定相应的防治措施提供依据。方法分别检测某商场装修前(土建验收时)、室内装修刚完成时(货架已摆好,开业前1个月)和装修后6个月(商场开业正常运转5个月时)室内空气的甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯和总挥发性有机物(TVOC)的浓度,比较不同时期商场室内空气有机物浓度水平。结果装修前甲醛指标符合国家卫生标准。甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯和TVOC浓度的峰值均出现在装修刚完成时,其中甲醛、甲苯、TVOC的超标率分别为22.2%、55.6%、55.6%。装修前甲醛平均浓度最低,为0.039 mg/m3,装修刚完成时平均浓度最高,为0.083 mg/m3,装修后6个月平均浓度逐渐降低,为0.054 mg/m3,差异有统计学意义,P<0.001。装修刚完成时甲苯和TVOC的浓度明显高于装修后6个月(P<0.05),苯、二甲苯在这两阶段浓度尚未发现有统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论室内装修是造成室内空气有机物污染的主要原因,随着时间的推移,有机污染物浓度逐渐下降。 Objectives To investigate the contamination of volatile substances before and after decoration in a supermarket and its changing trend, to find out the affect factors on indoor air pollutants. Methods Detecting the concentration of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) just be- fore, soon after and 6 months after decoration ; comparing the concentration of organic compounds at different period of time. Results The concentration of formaldehyde was lower than the national standard limits before decoration. The highest levels of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene and TVOC appeared soon after the decoration, and the rates over the national standard limits were 22.2% , 55.6% , 55.6% for formaldehyde, toluene and TVOC, re- spectively. The average concentration of formaldehyde appeared before, soon after and six months after decoration was 0. 039 mg/m3, 0. 083 mg/m3 and 0. 054 mg/m3 (P 〈 0. 001 ) , respectively. The concentrations of toluene and TVOC soon after decoration were significantly higher than those 6 months after decoration (P 〈 0.05). However, there were no statistically significant differences of benzene and xylene between the two periods (P 〉 0.05 ). Con- clusion The main source of indoor air volatile substances was from decoration and the concentration of them would decrease gradually with the passage of time.
出处 《环境卫生学杂志》 北大核心 2012年第4期156-159,共4页 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE
关键词 商场 有机污染物 室内空气污染 装修材料 supermarket, volatile substances, indoor air pollution, decoration.
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