
一种复杂边界河流污染模拟的二维贴体网格划分方法 被引量:1

A Way to Generate a Body-Fitted Grid for Simulation of the Two-Dimensional River Flow and Pollution with Complex Boundaries
摘要 在天然河流的流场和污染物输移的数值模拟中,河流网格划分是一项非常重要的任务.由于天然河道的边界往往比较复杂,若采用规则的网格划分方法,很难做到与实际岸线准确拟合,而贴体网格在处理边界问题方面具有一定优势,因此常常用来对复杂边界河道进行网格划分本文采用泊松方程,结合边界点的滑移生成贴体网格,探索一种能够较好地对复杂边界二维河道进行剖分的方法,并用于某河流的污染事故模拟,证明该方法是成功有效的. In numerical simulation of natural rivers flow and pollutants transportation, the good grid distribution in the complex river flow field is very important for getting accurate flow and pollutant transportation behaviors. Due to the complexity of the natural river shorelines, using the regular grid is difficult to achieve accurate boundary fitting. Based on the advantages of the body-fitted grids dealing with complex geometrical boundaries, a boundary-point-sliding method is proposed based on the Poisson equation solver to generate a body-fitted grid for the two-dimensional complex river flow field. The results show that the proposed method is efficient for the present river pollutant problems.
出处 《汕头大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第3期75-80,共6页 Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition
基金 广东省科技计划项目(编号2010B030900007)
关键词 河流污染 复杂边界 贴体网格 river pollution complex boundary body-fitted grids
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