目的 研究低剂量、短期使用吉粒芬治疗化疗所致粒细胞减少的临床疗效。方法 10 8例患者随机分A、B、C3组。A组吉粒芬 75μg qd× 3d ;B组吉粒芬 75μg qod× 6d ;C组吉粒芬75μg qd× 5d。均为皮下注射。 结果 低剂量、短期使用吉粒芬在粒细胞降至 150 0× 10 9 L以上时有效 ,副作用少 ,能使患者安然度过粒细胞下降易感染期 ,以B组隔日使用疗效最好。结论 低剂量、短期使用吉粒芬可在粒细胞未降至 150 0× 10 9 L以上时使用有效 ,量不变隔日用效果更好。
Objective To Study the effect of low dose and rh GCSF(Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor) on leukepenia and nenutropenia induced by chemotherapy in a randomized clinical trial.Methods The total patients entrolled were 108 in number and were randominzed into A B and C group(36patients each).In group A rhG CSF was given for 3 day at the dose of 75μg/dS.C. In group B rh GCSF was given for 6 days at the dose of 75μg/d S.C I n group C rhG CSF was given for 5 day at the dose of 75μg/d S.C. Results Iow dose and short term rhG CSF remarkably increased the count of WBC and ANC and lowored the number of days with WBC<4 0×10 9/l,ANC<50% by cancer chemotherapy with minimal side effects.In group B is was higher than A.C group for the effect.Conclusion Low dose and short term rhG CSF were effective,B group had the hest effect.
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment