
城市环境库兹涅茨曲线的实证分析——以北京为例 被引量:1

The Urban Environment Library this Empirical Analysis of the Solid Curve——In Beijing for Example
摘要 环境问题伴随着社会经济活动而产生,并随着社会经济的发展而发展,环境问题与经济发展、人口增长之间关系密切。本文依据2000-2010年北京市经济、人口和环境污染物排放量的统计数据,运用环境库兹涅茨曲线的理论模型,分析环境污染与经济发展、人口增长之间的关系。结果表明:自2000年以来,北京市经济快速发展、人口数量不断增长,但环境污染物排放量却持续下降,这主要与北京市的产业结构、环境保护政策、环境保护投资和环境宣传教育等因素相关;环境污染与经济发展、人口增长关系的数学模型可表述为E=β0Y-β1/NY2。同时,为北京市进一步促进经济、人口、环境的和谐发展提出了一系列相关政策建议。 Abstract: Environmental problems with social economic activities and produce, and with the development of social economy and development, the environment problem and economic development, population growth close relationship between. Based on 2000-2010 Beijing economy, population and environment pollutant emissions statistics data, using environmental kuznets curve theory model and analyzes the environment pollution and economic development, the relationship between the population growth. The results show that: since 2000, the rapid economic development of Beijing, the population continues to increase, but environmental pollutants but contin- ues to decline, the main and Beijing's industrial structure, environmental protection policy, environmental protection investment and environmental factors such as propaganda education related. The pollution of the environment and economic development, populationgrowth, the mathematics model of the relations can be expressed asE=β0Y-β1/N Y^2. At the same time, for Beijing to further promote e-conomy, population, the harmonious development of the environment put forward a series of relevant policy suggestions.
作者 郝鹏鹏 姜亢
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2012年第9期125-128,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 经济发展 人口增长 环境污染 环境库兹涅茨曲线 Economic development Population growth Environmental pollution Environmental kuznets curve
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