
^(131)I治疗甲状腺功能亢进疗效分析 被引量:2

Observation of Curative Effect of ^(131)I in Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
摘要 目的探讨131I治疗甲状腺功能亢进(甲亢)的临床疗效。方法对126例甲亢患者给予131I治疗,并对其疗效进行分析。结果治疗的126例甲亢中,117例痊愈,治愈率92.9%,1年后发生甲减9例,甲减发生率7.1%。结论131I治疗甲亢是一种安全、有效的方法。 Objective To explore the curative effect of 131I in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.Method 126 patients with hyperthyroidism were treated with 131I and the curative effect was analyzed.Result The results showed that among 126 cases of hyperthyroidism treated with 131I,117 cases had recovered and the cure rate was 92.9%.9 cases were found hypothyroidism in one-year follow-up and the occurrence rate was 7.1%.Conclusion The treatment of hyperthyroidism with 131I is safe and effective method.
出处 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2012年第4期224-225,共2页 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine
关键词 甲状腺功能亢进 放射性核素治疗 131I Hyperthyroidism Radionuclide therapy 131I
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